Hosted by The Broke and Bookish
Ok, so I couldn't narrow it down to 10. Which is kind of crazy...I can't believe how many favourite books I've read in the past two years! I didn't actually go farther than 2013, because that's the first year I kept track of what books I'd read at all. (Well ok I slipped ina couple I read in 2012 because I definitely remembered reading them then) So here they are: the best of the best from the past 2 years!
The Wee Free Men (Discword) by Terry Pratchett

If you like Diana Wynne Jones and Douglas Adams, then this is definitely a series for you. Particularly the Diana Wynne Jones part of the equation - it's got all the markers for a fairy tale-style story like hers, with the same sense of humor, just a touch more of the ridiculousness you encounter with Douglas Adams.
Terrier (Beka Cooper) by Tamora Pierce

Considering the number of times I mention Tamora Pierce on the blog, is it any surprise I loved this? I'd thought I'd read this book before, just not the rest of the series, but upon discovering the audiobook at the library (which is EXCELLENT by the way), it's clear I hadn't read it before. I'm STILL waiting whoever hasn't returned the now 3 weeks overdue last book in the series, but this is solidified as one of my favourite series from Tamora.
Dark Currents (Agent of Hel) - Jacqueline Carey

This is actually one of my newest reads - and it's all thanks to my secret santa! It's just so fun. Mythology, paranormal...ity?, diversity in race, body shape, AND sexuality? I mean come on. It's basically perfect.
Going Bovine by Libba Bray

Honestly, I can't even really articulate what this book means to me. It basically wrecked me and had me questioning so many things I hold to be true. The only other novel I can think of that had me spinning this way was The Amber Spyglass, and I read that for the first time over a decade ago. So needless to say, it's not a frequent occurrence. I'm not even sure I'd recommend this to most people, but I feel that the people who do connect with this book, connect with it hard.
The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern

It's like Cirque du Soleil was captured and put into a novel. It's beautiful and dark and mysterious. Definitely not for people who need a fast-paced plot, but for those who don't mind waiting, this book is beautiful.
The Forest of Hands and Teeth (#1) by Carrie Ryan

The heroine in this is fearlessly selfish, and I love that about her. It's rare to see heroines who are so uncompromising in what they want (unless they're villains). This book can actually be read as a standalone, and while I thoroughly enjoyed the other two books in the series, I prefer pretending this is a standalone because of its ending and how perfect the book is as a single entity.
Anatomy of a Boyfriend (Anatomy) by Daria Snadowsky

This is a book I would put in the hands of every teenager. It's important, and real, and funny! It was basically like reading a story of my 18 year-old self's experiences, and I would have felt infintessimely less awkward and mortified about everything if I'd had this book to read first. I haven't read the sequel yet, and I'm not sure if I want to? Like the above book, I just like this book on its own so much!
Etiquette & Espionage (Finishing School) by Gail Carriger

Ok, do I really have to spell this out for you guys? Steampunk. Paranormal hilarity. Boarding school for assassins. Diversity. IT'S SO FUN!!
The Lies of Locke Lamora (Gentlemen Bastards) by Scott Lynch

Oh my GOD this fantasy series is SO. GOOD. SO SO SO GOOD. I honestly don't even have a clue where it's heading. It has invented the most delicious sounding alcoholic beverage and killed like....all the characters. So you know. Booze and feels = good times!
Feed (Newsflesh) by Mira Grant

This was actually introduced to me by my first secret santa! It was hands down my favourite discovery of last year (well, ok, it's tied with Marchetta's Luminere Chronicles). It has also awakened the discovery that I actually LOVE zombie stories...and have decided the nightmares are worth it. (Mostly the nightmares are more like adventures anyway, so they're not too bad). This story can't even tell you what most impressed me because SERIOUS SPOILERS, but I super appreciated the medical background to it. Also it's pro-bloggers, and some serious government conspiracy stuff which I'm always down for in my stories haha!
Throne of Glass (#1) by Sarah J. Maas

And this was tied with Unspoken for my favourite discovery of the year before last! So I'm assuming if you're reading this right now you are either
A. Related to me and don't read books like this
or B. A blogger, and therefore 99% of you have read this and the last 1% just haven't read it for some unfathomable reason. So I'm not even going to explain why this series is amazing.
A Cat Called Dog by Jem Vanston

So I'm pretty certain 99% of you have never heard of this book and that's a damn shame. This was a Netgalley find and is actually the only one that's sparked a conversation with an author for me. (I am in general very, very intimidated by them. So if any of you become authors, I'm probably going to hide in a corner and cower if you look at me.) The humor is EXACTLY up my alley - again very dry and more than a bit ridiculous. (There's a quote in the link to my review) So basically if you like British humor you should read this. Or if you like cats. Or even if you don't like cats. GO READ THIS PEOPLE I want more books from this guy!
Ship Breaker (#1) by Paolo Bacigalupi

This is a powerful dystopia. If you want your dystopias more up the alley of The Handmaid's Tale or 1984 - so heavy on the dystopia, light on the romance, and unsettlingly close to reality...this is the dystopia for you. It's important, and I loved the sequel even more. (They can be read as standalone novels)
Unspoken (The Lynburn Legacy) by Sarah Rees Brennan

Is there a better character than Kami? No, seriously. I want her to be a real person SO BADLY. This series is so banter-perfect, and it packs just as much in the feels as it does with the witty lines. (And it was tied for best discovery for the year before last. Or as I like to call it: The Year of the Sarahs)
Graceling (Graceling Realm) by Kristin Cashore

Ok, if you read fantasy novels and are sex positive, then there isn't a reason you shouldn't have read this book already. And I've mentioned before that the sequel actually had a really positive influence in my life during a time when a lot of scary stuff was going on, so it's more than just a good read for me.
Kushiel's Dart (Phédre's Trilogy) by Jacqueline Carey

Do you like Game of Thrones? Do like sex positivity? Do like a world where women hold equal power to men? If you do, you should definitely read this series. It's an amazing series, and hands down in my top 10 fantasy series I've EVER read. (Considering the level of fantasy I read, that is really saying something) I really, really wish more people had read this because I think it's important AND an awesome read. I will also say you have to be open minded to kink - it was a bit of a shock to me when I first started reading it. But it's done in a well researched and tasteful way - unlike some other BDSM books we may have been hearing about recently....
Finnikin of the Rock (The Lumatere Chronicles) by Melina Marchetta

Ok, technically I fell in hardcore love with this series when I read the second book, Froi of the Exiles. But it all starts here, and just because I love Froi best doesn't mean that this book isn't totally amazing and worthy on its own. Yet another book where all I can say really is...if you like fantasy, just read this. Trust me. I don't know a SINGLE person who didn't like it. In fact, I don't know a single person who didn't love it!
Great list! I was thinking the other day that I should read more Discworld novels; it's been a while and they're always so much fun to read. Yay for Lies of Locke Lamora and The Night Circus :)
ReplyDeleteMy TTT
The Wee Free Men actually made me think of you - it seems very much up your alley!
ReplyDeleteOoo... Going Bovine was excellent! Great list! :)
ReplyDeleteI recently started The Lynburn Legacy which I absolutely adored. I can't wait to continue with the series.
ReplyDeleteThrone of Glass, i assume i'll see a lot of it today :]
ReplyDeleteMy Top
Ten :]
I have Graceling in my list too! It's such an amazing book. Definitely deserves it place on an all time favorite list.
ReplyDeleteWant to check out my top ten?
Awesome list. I love Locke Lamora, and I loved Feed. A ton of these books are on my to-read list or have been recommended to me by good friends. I think I'm going to be able to use your taste as a divining rod...yey!
ReplyDeleteMy list is here:
Love your list! The Night Circus is so hauntingly beautiful :) Now that you've mentioned it, I'm tempted to do a re-read :D
ReplyDeleteMy TTT
Obsessive Compulsive Reader
Only recognize Throne of Glass and Graceling, but a great list in total. More books for me to check out. My TTT
ReplyDeleteI was excited when I saw the name if your blog on the Top Ten Tuesday list and then you listed a Terry Pratchett book and The Night Circus so I think you are the winner today.
ReplyDeleteMy list -
Thanks for stopping by! I can't seem to find your blog, but I'd love to stop by if you leave me a link!
ReplyDeleteIsn't it snarktastically perfect?
ReplyDeleteYeah, I'd be surprised if it wasn't the most mentioned overall haha!
ReplyDeleteHave you read the rest of the Graceling books? It's been almost three years since Cashore has published anything :(
ReplyDeleteI approve. I volunteer myself as divining rod! But yeah, Locke Lamora is tricksy and his relationship with Jean is THE BEST. And Feed is totally a rush when reading it....THAT. ENDING.
ReplyDeleteIt really is! And I want to hang that cover up on my wall. So pretty!
ReplyDeleteWell, in my COMPLETELY UNBIASED them all!
ReplyDeleteYay! I'm a winner!! But for reals, I need to step up on the Terry Pratchett front. I can't believe it's taken me this long to read him! And Good Omens needs to happen in my brain asap. (Also yay! A lot of people have looked at my blog name and been like...well that's kind of weird? So I'm always happy when people know the reference haha!)
ReplyDeleteI really want to read the Finishing School series this year. It looks like a blast!
ReplyDeleteI LOVE the Night Circus. And your description is totally spot on. I put it on my list too and now I feel like I need to go back and read it again :o Great list!
ReplyDeleteMy TTT
Man, I am so jealous of your list-- I haven't read more than half of these books and I so want to, but there's that pile of unread books glaring (yes, GLARING) at me from across the room. Sad. Your list looks so good! (Also, knowing you, there's a good chance I will get EXTREMELY addicted to one or more of the books you've put on here. Best to stay away. *sobbing*)
ReplyDeleteYou've got some awesome books on this list. Terrier only missed my list by *holds up thumb and forefinger* this much. My first ever Tamora Pierce book and I'm looking forward to reading more. (I've got Alanna's first book waiting on my bookshelf.) Love the Finishing School series - the books just keep getting better and better. Have you read the Parasol Protectorate series by Gail Carriger? I really love it too. Thought Graceling was fun, but not gotten around to the rest in the series. Yet.
ReplyDeleteI've got The Lies of Locke Lamora and Finnikin of the Rock waiting for me on my shelf and I am so excited for them both. And, finally, I have now added Unspoken and Dark Currents to my TBR list. (So, yeah, awesome list.)
I pretty much feel that every time I A. Write a list, or B. Read someone else's list haha!
ReplyDeleteIt's SO much fun!
ReplyDeleteI understand the book glaring. Really, I do. Sometimes I'm afraid of my closet because of all the books in suitcases in there. Buuuut if I were going to push books on you, I'm 99% sure you'd love Dark Currents and Etiquette & Espionage. Just sayin ;)
ReplyDelete*Flails* That was your first Tamora Pierce book!?! I'm equal parts super excited and a bit flabbergasted hahaha. Terrier definitely reads a bit older than her other series right from the start - in the others she kind of builds up there. (Granted most of her heroines are like 14 when the series starts, so that's different). But yes I'm so excited you discovered her!!
ReplyDeleteI haven't! My library has a sore lack of Gail Carriger and apparently they're spending all their funds on renovating doesn't look like that'll be remedied any time soon *grumbles*. I'm going to start trying the interlibrary loan stuff, so hopefully that will work out for me!
Yeeeessss. Judging by what you've said you like so far, I can definitely see all of those choices being for you! (I make expert judgements on such matters after only 2 book mentions because I am a genius that way. And totally not biased on how great the books are.)
P.s. If you've got a blog leave me a link - I'd love to stop by! Unless you're the Amy from Pages of Starlight, in which case I've already got you!
Great picks! I loved Graceling and I really need to check out Going Bovine! I loved Beauty Queens by Libba Bray so I can't wait to read more by her. I hope you have a great week; I'm a new follower!
ReplyDeleteKrystianna @ Downright Dystopian
I actually haven't read Beauty Queens yet, but I can 100% guarantee it's COMPLETELY DIFFERENT. Mostly because all of her books I've read so far are just so different!
ReplyDeleteAnd thank you!
Kushiel's Dart is so captivating. I need to re-read that world and check out Dark Currents.
ReplyDeleteIt's really well done - but it's definitely denser and less action packed than the first two which can make it a bit difficult!
ReplyDeleteYES!! I officially now know one person who has read Kushiel's Dart! I know she's written more in that world but not connected to Phédre at all. I've got to finish the last book in Imriel's trilogy, and while it's really good, I'm definitely not loving it nearly as much as Phédre's trilogy. But hopefully that won't be the case for her other ones!
ReplyDeleteThat's me.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I know that I am behind on reading Tamora Pierce - but I'm really looking forward to that backlog! I hope you get to read some more of Gail Carriger's books. She's got a spin-off to The Parasol Protectorate that releases this month, so you've got that to look forward to as well. I'm glad to know your expert judgement tells you I'll like those books. (And your bias - but we've all got to be a little biased.)
Awwww THANK FOR THE LIST!! I finished the Newsflesh Trilogy in, uh, three days (exam finals? what finals?) and I really loved it. All hail great books, and great book people! (that's you!) After my papers, I'll settle down and make my way down your list! :)
ReplyDeleteDark Currents and E&E! Got it. *edges away from threatening glances of TBR pile* Thanks Elizabeth! <3
ReplyDeleteYeah I'm super excited for you! And I don't usually buy books I haven't read yet (I know that sounds weird, but I generally only buy books I know I love so much I'm going to reread), but Gail Carriger is definitely on my to buy list!
ReplyDeleteI think I read it in 2013? God that sounds way longer ago than it feels. It's super funny...although the humor hasn't seemed to go over well with everyone judging by the last time I looked at the Goodreads reviews haha.
ReplyDeleteI am...slowly getting over it. I do a little better on twitter (I'm not so good at e-mails), which is weird because in general I still just don't get twitter as a communicative platform haha. I have TOO MANY WORDS for their 140 character limit!
IT'S SO GOOD!!! I really, really need to reread it. I don't know why I haven't, I usually reread things when the urge hits, and I've been wanting to do it for months! You were the one who liked Douglas Adams and Terry Pratchett right? (And did you have a blog?) I think you'd like A Cat Called Dog since you like them!
ReplyDeleteIt doesn't sound weird. Sometimes I wish I did that (sure save me from buying books that I didn't care for) but it would also really limit what books I'd read, because so many I can only get IF I buy them. (Indie authors and other 'whose that?' authors.)
ReplyDeleteWell it's not too often I meet people who have the rather...specific yet wide range of book things I'm into haha! Exclamation marks are encouraged - I totally know how you feel haha! It's the whole reason I started blogging (WHAT there are other people who like these things?!?!) and it hasn't gone away when I meet people who are into the same things I am haha! I'm like a puppy :D
ReplyDelete*Shrugs* blogs are not the be all and end all of everything. It just turns out that 99% of the people who read/comment on my blog are other bloggers, so I generally assume everyone's a book blogger haha!
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