I'm a young twenties musician with an unhealthy book and shoe habit. They need to make a shoe/book rehab if only for the sake of my poor, poor wallet. I grew up on C.S. Lewis, Madeline L'Engle, Susan Cooper, Tamora Pierce, and Robin McKinley among many, many, many others and apparently I never grew out of that reading habit. I read everything (Ok I'm lying. I avoid nonfiction like the plague. It's just so...
depressing), but I still primarily stick to my beloved YA fantasy novels.
My blog is a place for me to
procrastinate instead of practicing work on what I love (second) most. When I'm not blogging (so most of the time) I am usually manically scraping reeds and practicing, so this is a nice break from the craziness of music! I'm also a beta on
fictionpress and
ff.net, so feel free to send things my way, I'm always looking for new things to read.
I love talking to you guys, so I always respond to comments. Be sure to check back! Feel free to contact me in the comments or at hitchhikerbooks@gmail.com
Feel free to enjoy my cat Christmas story! Merry Cat-mas!
Illustrations by Frances Gilloti, an Irish artist who's lived 30 years in the US.
Hello. I stumbled across your blog and just wanted to leave you a comment telling you I love the title with every fiber of my being. Don't panic!
Don't worry, I'm prepared - I always have a towel ;)