Bechdel Test

 The Bechdel Test:

1.  At least two women need to appear
2. They need to speak to each other     
3. About something other than men.    

The Bechdel Test itself has its flaws, which I won't go into, but there's lots of discussion on the matter.  If you're interested in more information on the topic, try here, here, and here  A lot of people have the wrong idea of what the point of the Bechdel Test is, so rather than waste time reading my inarticulate explanations, check out the links.

I'm not up in arms about things passing or not passing the Bechdel Test (again that isn't the point of the test).  I do think it is interesting to track what books pass the test and what genres they are from.  I'm starting my list for books I'm reviewing in August 2013, so I am in no way saying that none of the previous books I've reviewed apply, I simply don't know if they do or do not.

I'm still in the planning stages of how I want to post these, so I'd love any ideas you have to spice it up a little bit!

The Dressmaker by Kate Alcott
The Color Master by Aimee Bender 
Everlast - Andrea Buchanan
 A White Room - Stephanie Carroll
The Wolf Princess - Cathryn Constable 
Gone - Michael Grant
The Goose Girl - Shannon Hale
Enna Burning - Shannon Hale
The Will of the Empress - Tamora Pierce
Fangirl - Rainbow Rowell

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